Campus Tour
St. Matthew’s University Campus Tour
Moving abroad to pursue an education is a big decision. One of the best ways to be confident in your decision is to visit the Cayman Islands and have a look around for yourself.
We have regular tours of the campus available for prospective students, family and friends to get a feel for the environment, our curriculum and everything St. Matthew’s University School of Veterinary Medicine has to offer.
We can also make special arrangements for you to sit in on a lecture so you can get the full experience of what being a medical student at St. Matthew’s University is really like.
You can book any one of the more than 100 weekly flights to Grand Cayman to complete your tour and explore the Island.
Tuition Credit for Students Who Visit and Enroll*
If you visit the campus and matriculate within the next three semesters, St. Matthew’s will provide a travel reimbursement of up to $2,000 USD for your airfare and lodging.
*For interested students only. Receipts will be necessary for reimbursement, and must be submitted within 30 days of matriculation.
Please contact the St. Matthew’s Admissions Department to coordinate – 407-488-1718 or email us at admissions@stmatthews.edu