Charles Dickinson
School/Division: Veterinary Medicine
Email: cdickinson@stmatthews.edu
Courses: Large Animal Medicine and Surgery I-II, Small Animal Medicine I-II, Small Animal Surgery, Theriogenology, Clinical Skills I-III, and Diagnostic Imaging
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Dr. Dickinson received his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Colorado State University in 1988. After two years as an instructor with the Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology at Colorado State, Dr. Dickinson entered clinical practice as an associate veterinarian with Tri-State Large Animal Hospital in Cheyenne, Wyoming. He joined the staff at the Oregon State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital as a Clinical Fellow in large animal medicine and surgery in 1992. In 1996, Dr. Dickinson completed a residency in Equine Internal Medicine at Colorado State University, received the Master of Science degree in Clinical Sciences, and successfully completed the certifying examination of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.
Subsequently, Dr. Dickinson joined the faculty at Colorado State as a clinical appointment, rotating as service chief on the equine medicine service at the James L. Voss Veterinary Teaching Hospital. In this capacity, Dr. Dickinson spent nine years delivering specialized medical care in the academic referral setting, training veterinary students and house officers on the clinic floor, and actively engaging in clinical research.
Dr. Dickinson joined the faculty at St Matthews University School of Veterinary Medicine in 2008 and was instrumental in the development and implementation of the large animal clinical curriculum during the formative years of the program. More recently, as department head Dr. Dickinson is focused on maintaining a high level of didactic and practical instruction by fostering faculty development, curricular revision, innovative teaching methods, and scholarly pursuit across the clinical disciplines.
Scientific Articles, Book Chapters and Proceedings:
St. Matthew's curriculum was designed by U.S.-based faculty and parallels training at top U.S. medical schools. It involves ten semesters of concentrated academic and clinical study split between Basic Sciences and Clinical Sciences.