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AVMA Veterinary Leadership Conference

Know everything about The American Veterinary Medical Association’s annual Veterinary Leadership Conference held in Chicago.

Student Contributor: Tiffany Chisholm

The American Veterinary Medical Association recently hosted their annual Veterinary Leadership Conference in Chicago. As the SMUSVM vet student delegate for the conference, I found the experience to be one of a kind.

Not only did I meet students from all over the world, including the Royal Vet College of London, but I also got to meet specialists, clinic owners and veterinarians from across the USA.

The conference included student dinners, meet-and-greets, break-out sessions, seminars and extra time for a little touring of the city. Two useful things I got out of the experience were (1) the chance to discuss leadership skills, especially handling stress in the workplace, with other veterinary professionals and (2) networking and acquiring two potential externship opportunities for my clinical year.

Even though the temperature reached 1 degree Fahrenheit (with -25 windchill!), I have zero regrets going, and would highly recommend students apply for the experience in the future.

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